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File Listing


Filename Size Length
470126 001 The Good Samaritan.mp3 3157 KB 26:56
470629 023 The Lost Sheep new.mp3 6742 KB 28:46
470817 030 The Lost Coin.MP3 6721 KB 28:41
470817 030 The Parable of the Lost Coin.mp3 3348 KB 28:33
470824 031 Call Not Any Man a Fool.mp3 3469 KB 29:35
470831 032 The Calling Of Matthew.mp3 6692 KB 28:33
471130 045 And Her Name Was Mary.mp3 3288 KB 28:03
471214 047 Go and Be Counted.mp3 6778 KB 28:55
471221 048 No Room at the Inn.mp3 6689 KB 28:33
480222 057 Blessed Are the Meek.mp3 2840 KB 24:13
480321 061 The Betrayal and the Crucifixion.mp3 6504 KB 27:45
480509 068 Sufficient Unto the Day.mp3 6894 KB 29:25
480516 069 Thou Shalt Be Recompensed.mp3 6428 KB 27:26
480606 072 Disputed Boundary.mp3 7099 KB 30:17
480926 078 The Idle Word.mp3 6650 KB 28:23
481017 081 Flight of the Children.mp3 3595 KB 30:40
481024 082 The Unbelieving.mp3 3596 KB 30:41
481031 083 Ye Who Are Heavy Laden.mp3 3483 KB 29:42
481107 084 The Pursued.mp3 3445 KB 29:23
481114 085 The Reward Is Great.mp3 3422 KB 29:11
481121 086 A Blade from Damascus.mp3 3494 KB 29:48
481128 087 A Child in the House.mp3 3548 KB 30:16
481205 088 Where Theives Break Through.mp3 3461 KB 29:31
481212 089 Let Your Light Shine.mp3 6905 KB 29:28
490102 092 Give Us This Day.mp3 6579 KB 28:04
490116 094 The House in Darkness.mp3 3291 KB 28:04
490123 095 The Figure at the Door.mp3 3322 KB 28:20
490130 096 The Good Samaritan.mp3 6343 KB 27:04
491211 128 Ye Shall Know the Truth.mp3 2836 KB 12:06
500312 141 He That is Faithful.mp3 6984 KB 29:48
500416 146 The Man Who Was Not Humble.mp3 6926 KB 29:33
500423 147 The Woman and the Slave Girl.mp3 6826 KB 29:07
500430 148 A Cup of Cold Water.mp3 6438 KB 27:28
511118 194 Voyage to Rome.mp3 6772 KB 28:54
520504 218 The Tree and the Fruit.mp3 6680 KB 28:30
521012 224 He That Loseth His Life.mp3 6862 KB 29:17
531206 267 The Woman And The Slave Girl.mp3 3406 KB 29:03
531227 270 Incident at Bethleham.mp3 3616 KB 30:51
531227 270 Incident In Bethlehem.mp3 7237 KB 30:53
541114 299 He That Is Faithful.mp3 3493 KB 29:48
551211 338 A Cup of Cold Water.mp3 3225 KB 27:31



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