www.GREAT OTR.com

largest and fastest source for OTR (Old Time Radio)
File Listing


Filename Size Length
450925 167 You Can't Read Between the Lines.mp3 3473 KB 14:49
450926 168 Sentimental Journey.mp3 3489 KB 14:53
450927 169 I'll Buy That Dream.mp3 3485 KB 14:52
450928 170 If You Didn't Cry, Why Should I.mp3 3683 KB 15:43
451009 177 Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet.mp3 3557 KB 15:11
451010 178 I'll Be Walking With My Honey.mp3 3518 KB 15:01
451015 181 Oh, How She Lied to Me.mp3 3507 KB 14:58
451016 182 Some Sunday Morning.mp3 3512 KB 14:59
451017 183 Mandy.mp3 3510 KB 14:59
451018 184 Fishin' for the Moon.mp3 3512 KB 14:59
451019 185 It's a Wonderful Day.mp3 3518 KB 15:01
451022 186 You Can't Read Between the Lines.mp3 3533 KB 15:05
451023 187 When the Red Red Robin.mp3 3513 KB 14:59
451024 188 It's a Grand Night for Singing.mp3 3497 KB 14:55
451025 189 I'd Do It All Over Again.mp3 3551 KB 15:09
451026 190 Daybreak Serenade.mp3 3520 KB 15:01
451031 193 But I Did.mp3 3535 KB 15:05
451101 194 Here I Go Just Dreaming Again.mp3 3520 KB 15:01
451102 195 Miss You.mp3 3433 KB 14:39
451105 196 Give Me the Simple Life.mp3 3413 KB 14:34
451106 197 In the Middle of May.mp3 3405 KB 14:32
451107 198 I Thought You Ought to Know.mp3 3443 KB 14:41
451108 199 I Don't Want to Be Loved by Anybody Else But You.mp3 3451 KB 14:44
451109 200 Along the Navajo Trail.mp3 3458 KB 14:45
451116 205 Sweetheart of All My Dreams.mp3 3429 KB 14:38
451119 206 Chickery Chick.mp3 3456 KB 14:45
451120 207 Just Around the Corner.mp3 3507 KB 14:58
451121 208 It's a Grand Night for Singing.mp3 3456 KB 14:45
451126 211 Old Time Get-Together.mp3 3443 KB 14:42
451127 212 It's De-Lovely.mp3 3453 KB 14:44
451128 213 But I Did.mp3 3443 KB 14:41
451129 214 And I Love Her, Oh, Oh, Oh.mp3 3451 KB 14:44
451210 221 Pretty Kitty Kelly.mp3 3471 KB 14:49
451211 222 Chickery Chick.mp3 3456 KB 14:45
451226 233 It Might As Well Be Spring.mp3 3448 KB 14:43
451227 234 Aren't You Glad You're You.mp3 3469 KB 14:48
451228 235 It's a Grand Night for Singing.mp3 3531 KB 15:04
451231 236 The Wonder of You.mp3 3510 KB 14:59
460101 237 My Dreams are Getting Better All the Time.mp3 3522 KB 15:02
460102 238 On the Sunny Side of the Street.mp3 3543 KB 15:07
460204 261 Just Around the Corner.mp3 3554 KB 15:10
460205 262 Nosy Body.mp3 3554 KB 15:10
490415 XXX If I Could Talk with You.mp3 3753 KB 16:01



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