www.GREAT OTR.com

largest and fastest source for OTR (Old Time Radio)
File Listing


Filename Size Length
531004 001 Robert E Lee.mp3 5270 KB 22:29
531011 002 Earl of Essex.mp3 5808 KB 24:47
531018 003 If Hamilton Had Killed Burr.mp3 5358 KB 22:52
531025 004 What if Marie Antoinette Had Escaped.mp3 3945 KB 22:27
531115 007 Julius Caesar Had Wed Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt.mp3 6814 KB 29:04
531122 008 France Supresses Germany's Rhineland Invasion.mp3 6760 KB 28:51
531129 009 The Battle of Quebec Won by Canada.mp3 6909 KB 29:29
531206 010 Alaska Is Not Sold to the US by Russia.mp3 6977 KB 29:46
531213 011 Alexander the Great Does Not Die at Age 32.mp3 6850 KB 29:14
531220 012 Sub Warfare Defeats the British in Revolutionary War.mp3 6791 KB 28:59
531227 013 The Normans Conquer England.mp3 7132 KB 30:26



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