www.GREAT OTR.com

largest and fastest source for OTR (Old Time Radio)
File Listing


Filename Size Length
40XXXX --- Energine Shoe White.mp3 134 KB 0:34
411207 --- Fibber McGee & Molly - Give Bonds For Christmas.mp3 608 KB 0:44
420407 --- Fibber Mcgee & Molly on Essential Materials.mp3 806 KB 0:52
430207 --- Harold Peary - Shoe Rationing Bulletin.mp3 310 KB 1:19
430611 --- Jack Benny - Let's Back Up The Navy.mp3 2176 KB 2:19
431218 --- Join the W A Cs.mp3 1250 KB 0:53
43XXXX --- Waste Kitchen Fats.mp3 244 KB 1:03
440415 --- W A C Recruiting Promo.mp3 1172 KB 0:50
45XXXX --- W W I I Merchant Marine.mp3 226 KB 0:58
45XXXX --- W W I I Support.mp3 230 KB 0:59
XXXXXX --- Arthur Godfrey Says Make Texaco Your Car Warden.mp3 790 KB 0:34
XXXXXX --- Bing Crosby - Any Bonds Today.mp3 140 KB 0:36
XXXXXX --- Bing Crosby - Buy a Bond.mp3 270 KB 1:09
XXXXXX --- Bing Crosby - Fifth War Loan Drive.mp3 992 KB 0:42
XXXXXX --- Bing Crosby - Salute to Farmers and 4-H Clubs.mp3 632 KB 0:46
XXXXXX --- Bing Crosby - the Women's Army Corps.mp3 7016 KB 4:59
XXXXXX --- Bing Crosby - W A C Recruiting Promo.mp3 1282 KB 0:55
XXXXXX --- Broderick Crawford - Fifth War Loan Drive.mp3 2074 KB 1:28
XXXXXX --- Fibber Mc Gee & Molly - Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps.mp3 1014 KB 1:14
XXXXXX --- Fibber Mc Gee & Molly - Mileage Rationing.mp3 696 KB 1:29
XXXXXX --- Fibber Mc Gee & Molly - Send Games & Reading Material.mp3 420 KB 0:31
XXXXXX --- Fibber Mc Gee & Molly - Seventh War Loan Drive.mp3 716 KB 0:52
XXXXXX --- Frank Sinatra - Buy War Bonds.mp3 982 KB 0:50
XXXXXX --- G I Jill - Buy G I Bonds.mp3 270 KB 0:20
XXXXXX --- G I Jill - G I Bonds Really Pay Off.mp3 164 KB 0:12
XXXXXX --- Gracie Allen - Defense Stamps and War Bonds.mp3 166 KB 0:42
XXXXXX --- Kraft Dinners Save Ration Points.mp3 1106 KB 0:47
XXXXXX --- Lucky Strike Green Has Gone to War.mp3 178 KB 0:08
XXXXXX --- Mobil Grease in North Africa.mp3 650 KB 0:47
XXXXXX --- N B C Special - Mileage Rationing.mp3 3202 KB 13:40
XXXXXX --- Orson Welles - Payroll Savings Plan for War Bonds.mp3 510 KB 0:33
XXXXXX --- Ovaltine Orphan Annie Shake up Mug.mp3 2706 KB 2:53
XXXXXX --- P S A - Careless Talk.mp3 1180 KB 0:50
XXXXXX --- P S A - Help Save Ships.mp3 238 KB 1:01
XXXXXX --- P S A - Home Canning.mp3 82 KB 0:42
XXXXXX --- P S A - Is This Trip Necessary.mp3 1262 KB 0:54
XXXXXX --- P S A - Price Controls.mp3 830 KB 0:35
XXXXXX --- P S A - Save Paper.mp3 1196 KB 0:51
XXXXXX --- P S A - Save Used Fat Reminder.mp3 256 KB 0:11
XXXXXX --- P S A - Save Used Fat.mp3 162 KB 0:10
XXXXXX --- P S A - Second War Loan Drive.mp3 296 KB 0:22
XXXXXX --- P S A - Share the Meat ( Long Version).mp3 3862 KB 4:42
XXXXXX --- P S A - Share the Meat.mp3 1298 KB 0:55
XXXXXX --- P S A - Sugar and Gas Rationing.mp3 1402 KB 1:00
XXXXXX --- P S A - Sugar Rationing.mp3 1162 KB 0:50
XXXXXX --- P S A - Tire Rationing.mp3 1434 KB 1:01
XXXXXX --- P S A - Tire Registration.mp3 38 KB 0:09
XXXXXX --- P S A - Total Victory.mp3 140 KB 0:35
XXXXXX --- P S A - Use V Mail.mp3 478 KB 0:20
XXXXXX --- P S A - Victory Garden.mp3 1348 KB 0:57
XXXXXX --- P S A - Waste Paper.mp3 444 KB 0:19
XXXXXX --- Patriotic Announcement - Homefront Sacrifices.mp3 800 KB 0:34
XXXXXX --- Promo - N B C B Blue Network at War.mp3 3916 KB 4:46
XXXXXX --- Promo - National Barn Dance Honoring Servicemen.mp3 270 KB 0:20
XXXXXX --- Spike Jones - Buy Stamps and Bonds.mp3 698 KB 0:30
XXXXXX --- Veteran's Administration Turberculosis Hospital.mp3 218 KB 0:56
XXXXXX --- W L Douglas Shoes on Shoe Rationing.mp3 264 KB 0:19
XXXXXX --- Wax and Polish Your Car at Mobil Gas Dealers.mp3 936 KB 1:08



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