www.GREAT OTR.com

largest and fastest source for OTR (Old Time Radio)

Yes, we trade!

Please follow these steps:

Step #1 - Look over our list of episodes.

Step #2 - Identify any series or episodes that we are missing.

Step #3 - E-mail us and let us know the details. The more information you can provide us with the better to help us identify your episodes and compare them to our list. Information such as series title, date first aired, episode number, and name of episode will help.

Step #4 - We will tell you which ones we're interested in and give you an FTP upload area to transfer to.

Step #5 - We will give you download transfer credit to match what you've uploaded to us.

Step #6 - Download what you want from our files.

Unfortunately time prevents us from looking over complete "raw" lists.


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